T-005-008 PRRC designation
Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PPRC)
Mr./Mrs. xxxxxxxxxxxxx, with ID xxxxxxxx, and nationality xxxxxxxxx.
On behalf of the company (Name of the company) with the identification number xxxxxxx and with address or registered address: xxxxxx, telephone xxxxxx, email xxxxxxxx, and as job position, I appoint xxxx, with ID number xxxxx and with title xxxxxx and professional experience in the regulatory field of medical devices according to the Regulation (EU) 2017/745, as PRRC.
That he/she will provide his/her services exclusively in this company, dedicating xx% of his/her time to his/her responsibilies as PRRC.
On xxxx the xx day of xxxx YYYY.
- PRRC signature:
- CEO signature:
Template signature meaning
Delete this section when you create a new record from this template.
- Author: JD-004 Giulia Foglia
- Approval: JD-001 Andy Aguilar