T-015-009 Clinical Investigation Plan_Study code_en
The purpose of this Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP) is to set out the rationale, objectives, design, methodology, conduct, implementation, record-keeping and the method of analysis for the clinical investigation.
CIP Identification
CIP | |
Title of the clinical investigation | |
Device under investigation | |
Protocol version | |
Date | |
Protocol code | |
Sponsor | |
Coordinating Investigator | |
Principal Investigator(s) | |
Collaborating Investigator(s) | |
Investigational site(s) | |
Ethics Committee |
If the ethics committee has assigned a code, it must be indicated in this table in the protocol code field and in the header..
Table of contents
- Scope
- CIP Identification
- Compliance statement
- Abbreviations and Definitions
- CIP or protocol specifications
- Product Identification and Description
- Justification of the design
- Risks and benefits of the product in investigation and clinical research
- Hypothesis
- Objectives
- Summary of the study
- Design and Methods
- Ethical considerations
- CIP Modification
- CIP Deviations
- Start, follow-up and end reports
- Statements of compliance
- Informed Consent process
- Adverse events, adverse product reactions and product deficiencies
- Adverse Events (AE) and Adverse Event to Product (AEP)
- Product deficencies
- Serious Adverse Events, serios adverse events to product and serious and unexpected adverse event to the product
- Non-reportable Adverse Events
- Notification Process
- Foreseeable adverse events and adverse events to product
- Emergency contact
- Data Monitoring Committee (DMC)
- Vulnerable population (if applicable)
- Suspension or early termination of clinical research
- Publication policy
- Bibliography
- Annexes
Compliance statement
The clinical investigation was perforfed according to the Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP) and other applicable guidances and regulations. This includes compliance with:
- Harmonized standard
UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021
Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices (MDR)
- Harmonized standard
UNE-EN ISO 13485:2016s
Regulation (EU) 2016/679
(GDPR).- Spanish
Organic Law 3/2018
on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights`.
All data processing within the device is carried out in accordance with the highest standards of data protection and privacy. Patient information is managed in an encrypted manner to ensure confidentiality and security.
The research team assumes the role of Data Controller, responsible for the collection and management of study data. Legit.Health acts as the Data Processor and is not involved in the processing of patient data.
The storage and transfer of data comply with European data protection regulations. At the conclusion of the study, all information stored in the device will be permanently and securely deleted.
The device employs robust technical and organizational security measures to safeguard personal data against unauthorized access, alteration, loss, or processing.
Abbreviations and Definitions
- AE: Adverse Event
- AEMPS: Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices
- AEP: Adverse Reaction to Product
- AUC: Area Under the ROC Curve
- CAD: Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- CMD: Data Monitoring Committee
- CIP: Clinical Investigation Plan
- CUS: Clinical Utility Questionnaire
- DLQI: Dermatology Quality of Life Index
- GCP: Standards of Good Clinical Practice
- ICH: International Conference of Harmonization
- IFU: Instructions For Use
- IRB: Institutional Review Board
- N/A: Not Applicable
- NCA: National Competent Authority
- PI: Principal Investigator
- SAE: Serious Adverse Events
- SAEP: Serious Adverse Event to Product
- SUAEP: Serious and Unexpected Adverse Event to the Product
- SUS: System Usability Scale
CIP or protocol specifications
Principal Investigator
Include name, address and professional position
Coordinating Investigator(s)
Include name, address and professional position
Collaborating Investigator(s)
Include name, address and professional position
Investigational sites
Product Identification and Description
Information | |
Device name | Legit.Health Plus (hereinafter, the device) |
Model and type | NA |
Version | |
Basic UDI-DI | 8437025550LegitCADx6X |
Certificate number (if available) | MDR 792790 |
EMDN code(s) | Z12040192 (General medicine diagnosis and monitoring instruments - Medical device software) |
GMDN code | 65975 |
Class | Class IIb |
Classification rule | Rule 11 |
Novel product (True/False) | FALSE |
Novel related clinical procedure (True/False) | FALSE |
SRN | ES-MF-000025345 |
Justification of the design
Background and rationale
Risks and benefits of the product in investigation and clinical research
Considerar e incluir los beneficios clínicos y reacciones adversas esperadas, los riesgos asociados con la participación en la investigación, las posibles interacciones con tratamientos médicos concomitantes, medidas para mitigar los riesgos y la justificación de la relación beneficio-riesgo.
Evaluation of preclinical and clinical data
These evaluations can be consulted in the T-015-005 Investigator's brochure
Primary objetive(s)
Secondary objective(s)
Summary of the study
Design and Methods
Type of clinical research
Descripción del tipo de investigación clínica a efectuar (por ejemplo, estudio doble ciego comparativo, de diseño paralelo, con o sin un grupo de control) con justificación de la elección. Justificación de la ausencia de control, si es el caso.
Acceptance criteria
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Condition of interest
Quality control
Limitations of clinical research
Ethical considerations
This study adhered to international Good Clinical Practice (GCP) guidelines, the Declaration of Helsinki in its latest amendment, and applicable international and national regulations. As applicable, approval from the relevant Ethics Committee was obtained prior to the initiation of the study. When applicable, modifications to the protocol were reviewed and approved by the Principal Investigator (PI) and subsequently evaluated by the Ethics Committee before subjects were enrolled under a modified protocol.
This study was conducted in compliance with European Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, concerning the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and the guarantee of digital rights. In accordance with these regulations, no data enabling the personal identification of participants was collected, and all information was managed securely in an encrypted format.
Participants were informed both orally and in writing about all relevant aspects of the study, with the information being tailored to their level of understanding. They were provided with a copy of the informed consent form and the accompanying patient information sheet. Adequate time was given to patients to ask questions and fully comprehend the details of the study before providing their consent.
The PI was responsible for the preparation of the informed consent form, ensuring it included all elements required by the International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH), adhered to current regulatory guidelines, and complied with the ethical principles of GCP and the Declaration of Helsinki.
The original signed informed consent forms were securely stored in a restricted access area under the custody of the PI. These documents remained at the research site at all times. Participants were provided with a copy of their signed consent form for their records.
Data confidentiality
Current legislation will be complied with in terms of data confidentiality protection (European Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights). For this purpose, when applicable, each participant will receive an alphanumeric identification code in the study that will not include any data allowing personal identification (coded CRD). The Principal Investigator will have an independent list that will allow the connection of the identification codes of the patients participating in the study with their clinical and personal data. This document will be filed in a secure area with restricted access, under the custody of the Principal Investigator and will never leave the centre.
Once the paper CRDs are completed and closed by the Principal Investigator, the data will be transferred to a database.
As in the CRDs, the Database will comply with current legislation in terms of data confidentiality protection (European Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on the protection of natural persons about the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights) in which no data allowing personal identification of patients will be included.
Information to subjects and informed consent
Bias minimization measures
Monitoring plan
Completition of the investigation
Statistical analysis
Data management
The data will be managed and tabulated with consistency rules and logical ranges to control inconsistencies during data tabulation. A validation process of the clinical data will be carried out by running computer filters based on validation rules, which will automatically identify missing values or inconsistencies of clinical data according to the protocol. Additionally, manual editing and validation will be performed using descriptive and exploratory statistical techniques to complement the detection of logical errors and inconsistent values.
The database will be considered closed upon completion of all data management processes and satisfactory resolution of discrepancies and errors in the data. Any changes in the database after its closure can only be made after written agreement between the Principal Investigator and the technical coordinators of the project.
AI LABS GROUP, S.L. (hereinafter, the manufacturer) is the owner of the device. During the period of validity of this study, the manufacturer will grant a license to use the device by the research team free of charge. The research team will be the administrator of the account. Both patients and members of the medical team will have login credentials. The manufacturer will not have access to the account or patient information.
According to the definitions and roles set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), the Data Controller is the research team and the manufacturer is the Data Processor.
The storage of data and photographs will be in line with the European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights. At the end of the study, all information stored in the device will be totally and permanently deleted.
The device complies with current legislation on the protection and confidentiality of personal data European Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). Appropriate technical and organizational security measures are adopted to ensure the security of personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the natural physical environment.
CIP Modification
As indicated in the UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021 standard, the Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP) may be modified as necessary during the clinical investigation. The changes made must be described, along with their justification, potential impact on clinical performance, efficacy, safety, or other evaluation criteria, and identification of other affected documents.
CIP modifications will be prepared by the sponsor and agreed upon and accepted between the sponsor and the principal investigator. The modifications will be recorded with a justification for each one in the form of an amendment or addendum.
The required regulatory authority (AEMPS) and the Ethics Committee or Institutional Review Board (IRB) will be notified, if necessary. Modifications to the clinical investigation may only be implemented once favourable feedback and the corresponding approval have been obtained.
- In the case of substantial modifications to authorized clinical investigations, a request must be submitted to the AEMPS.
- For non-substantial modifications to authorized clinical investigations, until the corresponding module is available in the EUDAMED database, the updated documentation will be sent to the AEMPS for inclusion in their file.
CIP Deviations
As indicated in the UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021
standard, the investigator may not deviate from the Clinical Investigation Plan (CIP), except in emergencies (section 4.5.4.b of the standard). In such cases, the investigator may proceed without prior approval from the sponsor and the Ethics Committee to protect the rights, safety, and well-being of human subjects.
These deviations must be documented by the principal investigator and notified to the sponsor and the IRB as soon as possible, and always within a maximum of 15 days. Immediately after receiving the notification, the sponsor will record and analyze the deviations carried out and their potential impact. Depending on the findings, the sponsor will take the necessary corrective and/or preventive measures.
In other circumstances, when deviations affect the rights, safety, and well-being of the subject or the scientific integrity of the clinical investigation, deviation requests and reports must be provided to the IRB if required.
Start, follow-up and end reports
The start of the study will be notified to the ethics committee. Annual follow-up reports will be submitted thereafter.
Upon obtaining the study conclusions, a final report (T-015-006 Clinical Investigation Report (CIR)
) will be prepared and submitted to the ethics committee.
Statements of compliance
The present clinical investigation will be conducted following the ethical principles originating from the Declaration of Helsinki.
Additionally, the clinical investigation will comply with the harmonized standard UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021 and the European Regulation MDR 2017/745. The statement specifying compliance with the general safety and performance requirements in accordance with MDR can be found in the document Manufacturer's Declaration of Compliance with Requirements.
As appropiate, clinical investigation will not commence until approval/favourable opinion has been obtained from the Clinical Research Ethics Committee (CREC) and the required regulatory authority (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, AEMPS), and it must comply with any additional requirements imposed by the CREC and/or AEMPS.
The statement regarding the funding of the clinical investigation, along with the description of the agreement between the sponsor and the research centers and between the sponsor and the principal investigator, can be found in XXX.
Informed Consent process
The patient, or in their absence, the family member or legally authorized representative, must provide written consent before their inclusion in the clinical investigation. This will occur after they have understood, through a prior interview with the principal investigator or a member of the research team, the objectives of the investigation, its risks, inconveniences, and benefits, as well as the conditions under which it will be conducted, and after being informed of their right to withdraw from the investigation at any time without explanation and without incurring any responsibility or prejudice.
The principal investigator will discuss the study with the subject and provide the information objectively, without coercion or influence, and without offering any inappropriate or undue incentive. The principal investigator will use non-technical language in the subject's native language (or that of the spouse/closest relative or legally authorized representative) for better understanding and will allow sufficient time for reading and comprehending the information.
Each participant will document their informed consent by signing and dating the informed consent form. Each signed and dated consent will be kept by the principal investigator, and a copy of the informed consent will be provided to the subject.
If new important information arises that could affect the subject's willingness to continue participating in the clinical investigation, it will be provided in any case. If necessary, their continued informed consent will be confirmed in writing.
The patient information form (or family member or legally authorized representative), as well as the informed consent document, can be found in document XXX.
Adverse events, adverse product reactions and product deficiencies
Adverse Events (AE) and Adverse Event to Product (AEP)
An AE is any unintended medical event, unanticipated illness or injury, or unintended clinical signs (including abnormal laboratory findings) in subjects, users, or other persons, whether or not related to the investigational product and whether intended or unintended.
A AEP is an adverse event related to the use of an investigational medical device.
Given these definitions, potential AEPs or AEs are documented in the product's IFU.
Product deficencies
Possible inadequacies of a medical device may relate to its identity, quality, durability, reliability, safety, or performance.
Considering this definition, the following issues could arise:
- Malfunctions, such as XX.
- Use errors, such as XX.
- Inadequate information provided by the manufacturer, such as a complex IFU and/or labeling.
Product deficiencies in the investigation will be managed by the sponsor according to non-conforming product control procedures. When appropriate, corrective and/or preventive actions will be taken to protect the safety of subjects, users, and other individuals.
Serious Adverse Events, serios adverse events to product and serious and unexpected adverse event to the product
According to UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021:
- A Serious Adverse Product Reaction (SAEP) is a SAE that has produced any consequence characteristic of a serious adverse event.
- A Serious Adverse Event (SAE) is an AE that resulted in any of the following events: death, serious deterioration of the health status of the subject, users or other persons, or fetal distress, fetal death, congenital anomaly or birth defect.
- A Serious Unexpected Adverse Event to the Product (SUAEP) is a SAE that, due to its nature, incidence, intensity or consequences, has not been identified in the updated risk assessment.
Taking into account these definitions, there are no SAEP, SAEs or SUAEPs related to the use of the product.
Non-reportable Adverse Events
List non-reportable adverse events, if applicable, including justification.
Notification Process
Any SAEP, product deficiency or finding related to the above will be duly documented and reported in accordance with the provisions of document MDCG 2020-10/1 “Safety reporting in clinical investigations of medical devices under the Regulation (EU) 2017/745”
In the situations detailed in the previous paragraph, the principal investigator must notify the sponsor immediately (but no later than 3 days after becoming aware of the event). The sponsor will then use the form published as an annex to said document, MDCG 2020-10/2 “Guidance safety report form”.
This form must be completed or updated for each reportable event or for new findings or updates of events already reported. It will be transmitted to all National Competent Authorities (NCA) where the clinical investigation is being conducted. In this case, the AEMPS. Once EUDAMED is available and fully operational, the obligations and requirements related to the preparation of safety reports through EUDAMED will apply from six months after the date of publication of the notice in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The notification period of the sponsor to the NCA(s) will be immediately (but no later than 2 days after becoming aware of the event) for reportable events that involve an imminent risk of death, serious injury or serious illness and that require immediate corrective action, or new findings or updates of related events. For the rest of reportable events or new findings or updates, the notification period will be immediately (but no later than 7 days after becoming aware of the event).
Likewise, as indicated in the UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021 regulation, the IRB must be notified of the SAEs, if the IRB so requires.
Foreseeable adverse events and adverse events to product
The foreseeable adverse events and expected adverse reactions to the product, as well as their incidence, mitigation and treatment are documented in the T-013-002 Risk management record
of the product under study.
Emergency contact
The emergency contact person for reporting serious adverse events and serious adverse effects of the product:
- Name:
- Professional role:
- E-mail:
- Telephone:
Data Monitoring Committee (DMC)
Information on the DMC (Data Monitoring Committee), if established. This is an independent committee that the sponsor may establish to evaluate, at indicated intervals, the progress of the clinical investigation, the safety data or the critical clinical performance or efficacy endpoints and to recommend to the sponsor whether to continue, suspend, modify, or stop the clinical investigation.
Vulnerable population (if applicable)
Suspension or early termination of clinical research
As indicated in the UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021 regulation, the sponsor may suspend or terminate the clinical research early for significant and documented reasons. These are:
- If during the clinical research the suspicion of an unacceptable risk arises, including a serious threat to the health of the subjects. It must be suspended while the risk is determined.
- If an unacceptable risk that cannot be controlled is confirmed.
- Due to the impossibility of including a minimum number of subjects that allows the final assessment of the study within a reasonable period according to the characteristics of the study.
- When instructed by the IRB or the required regulatory authority (AEMPS).
- Due to non-compliance with the obligations assumed in the contract by any of the contracting parties.
- By mutual agreement between the parties, expressed in writing.
- By the will of one of the parties, expressed in writing at least one month in advance.
In the event of a suspension or early termination of the clinical research, the sponsor will inform the AEMPS. The sponsor must provide the resources to comply with the obligations of the CIP and with the existing agreements. The principal investigator must inform the subjects if so stipulated in the agreement between the sponsor and the research centre.
If the clinical investigation is resumed, the sponsor must inform the principal investigator and, where appropriate, the AEMPS. Approval from the IRB and, where appropriate, from the AEMPS will be required for such resumption. The principal investigator must inform the subjects.
Publication policy
Statement indicating the conditions and time periods in which the results of the clinical research will be offered for publication, including the role played by the sponsor and the criteria for authorship of the publication.
The description of the clinical research will be recorded in a publicly accessible database before the recruitment of the first subject. Its content will be updated during the conduct of the clinical research.
After the final closure of the clinical research, a Clinical Investigation Report (CIR: T-015-006 Clinical Investigation Report (CIR)
) After the final closure of the clinical research, a Clinical Investigation Report, even if it has been suspended or terminated early. The CIR will be provided to the IRB and the AEMPS. The results obtained (positive, inconclusive or negative) will be incorporated into the registry of the aforementioned publicly accessible database.
In addition, if deemed appropriate, the results obtained will be published in scientific journals. The CEIC that has approved this clinical research will be mentioned, and the funds obtained by the author for or for its conduct and the source of funding will be stated. The anonymity of the subjects participating in the clinical research will be maintained at all times.
After the completion of the study, the results of the clinical utility and satisfaction surveys carried out according to the model in Annex I may be communicated at congresses and scientific meetings with prior authorization from both parties. Communications and press releases may also be made to communicate the results of the study. All publications and communications must be accepted and approved by the parties involved.
Annex I. Clinical Utility and Satisfaction questionnaire
Signature meaning
The signatures for the approval process of this document can be found in the verified commits at the repository for the QMS. As a reference, the team members who are expected to participate in this document and their roles in the approval process, as defined in Annex I Responsibility Matrix
of the GP-001
, are:
- Author: Team members involved
- Reviewer: JD-003, JD-004
- Approver: JD-001