T-051-002 Security groups
- Governed by
GP-051 Security violations
Review defined security groups
Each 6 months
Security groups review
Responsible | Date | Review |
At the review columns it will be indicated if the review was satisfactory (OK) or if any unexpected action was detected (see below). In this case the reference of the incidence (according to procedure GP-018 Infrastructure and facilities
) or non-conformity (GP-006 Non-conformity. Corrective and Preventive actions
) was included to allow traceability of the actions.
Criteria for acceptance
All the resources in AWS have the minimum required security groups attached.
An example of an unacceptable result would be finding a resource with:
- IP's that don't need to have access to the resource.
- A too wide range of ports open.
- Old IP's that are no longer used.
Record signature meaning
- Author: JD-007 Author name
- Review: JD-004 Reviewer name
- Approval: JD-001 Approver name
Template signature meaning
Delete this section when you create a new record from this template.
- Author: JD-004 María Diez
- Review: JD-007 Gerardo Fernández
- Approval: JD-001 Ms. Andy Aguilar