R-001-005 List of external documents_2023_003
- Governed by
GP-001 Document and Registry Control
- Comes from template T-001-005
Template version control
Reason for review | Date | Version id |
First version | 20230127 | 1 |
Record release section included | 20230614 | 2 |
Written by | Reviewed by |
E-Signature (Appfire integration): ![]() María Diez 71E385973E06BC166D9B19B36FFF8829 Signer name: María Diez Signing time: Tue, 13 Jun 2023 11:12:21 GMT Reason: Creation of document | E-Signature (Appfire integration): ![]() Alfonso Medela 1E062440C2BCDEF7F7E6E4D45078751D Signer name: Alfonso Medela Signing time: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 11:11:29 GMT Reason: Reviewed |
Quality manager (QM) | Technical manager (PRRC) |
External documents archive
External documents are compiled at the GoogleDrive workspace: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XtUaSvT0yzhfuIUyFhXUiqZxHpNVkz3d They are organized in folders regarding their main related issue. The following tables list all the documents compiled, one table per folder.
Spanish Regulations
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
01_01 | Instrucción PS1/2023 sobre el procedimiento de licencia previa de funcionamiento de instalaciones de productos sanitarios | AEMPS | PS 1/2023 | 20230329 | No |
01_02 | CERTPS-ManualEmpresa: Certificado de libre venta | AEMPS | 1.8 | 20230428 | No |
01_03 | R_DEX_18_Guía para la elaboración de la documentación técnica: Marcado CE MDR | CNCPS | 2022 | 20220627 | Yes. TF being prepared |
01_04 | Real Decreto 192/2023 por el que se regulan los productos sanitarios_7416 | BOE | 20230321 | No | |
01_05 | Real Decreto 1907/1996 sobre publicidad y promoción comercial de productos, actividades o servicios con pretendida finalidad sanitaria | BOE | 19960806 | No | |
01_06 | Real Decreto 1591/2009 por el que se regulan los productos sanitarios | BOE | 20091106 | No | |
01_07 | Real Decreto 1090/2015 por el que se regulan los ensayos clínicos con medicamentos, los Comités de Ética de la Investigación con medicamentos y el Registro Español de EstudioClínicos | BOE | 20151224 | No | |
01_08 | 2021 Código de buenas prácticas de la industria farmacéutica | Sistema de autorregulación Farmaindustria | 2021 | No |
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
02_01 | Guidance Computer Software Assurance for production and Quality System Software | FDA | 2022 | 20220913 | No |
02_02 | Guidance for Industry. Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures | FDA | 20230801 | No | |
02_03 | 21 CFR Part 11 Electronic records; electronic signatures | FDA | 20230602 | No | |
02_04 | General principles of software validation; final guidance for industry and FDA staff | FDA | 20020111 | No | |
02_05 | The Q submission program | FDA | 20230602 | No |
Clinical studies
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact? |
03_01 | Guideline for good clinical practice E6 (R2) Step 5 | EMA/ICH | E6 (R2) | 20170614 |
EU Medical devices
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
04_01 | Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical devices | European Commission | M5 | 20071011 | No |
04_02 | Regulation 2017/745 on medical devices | European Commission | M1 | 20200424 | Yes. Adaptation proccess in progress |
04_03 | Regulation 2017/2185 related to codes and medical devices | European Commission | 20171124 | No | |
04_04 | Regulation 2023/607 amending Regulations (EU) 2017/745 and (EU) 2017/746 as regards the transitional provisions | European Commission | 20230320 | Yes. We can sell our product under the MDD until December 2028. | |
04_05 | Commision regulation 207/2012 on electronic instructions for use of medical devices | European Commission | 20120310 | Yes. We shall adapt our IFU to the requirements | |
04_06 | Commision regulation 2021/2226 on electronic instructions for use of medical devices | European Commission | 20211214 | Yes. We shall adapt our IFU to the requirements |
MDCG guidelines can be downloaded on their last version from the European Commission webpage (https://health.ec.europa.eu/medical-devices-sector/new-regulations/guidance-mdcg-endorsed-documents-and-other-guidance_en).
MedDev guidelines can be consulted and downloaded on their last version from the European Commission webpage.
In the following table we have compile some of these guidelines that we have consulted during the medical device documentation preparation:
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact? |
04_G01 | Manual on borderline and classification in the community regulatory framework for medical devices | 1.22 | 20190501 | No | |
04_G02 | Manual on borderline and classification for MD under MDR and IVDR | 2 | 20231201 | No | |
04_G03 | Additional guidance regarding the vigilance system as outlined in MEDDEV 2.12-1 rev.8 | European Commission | 8 | 20181104 | No |
04_G04 | MDCG 2020-5 Clinical evaluation - Equivance | MDCG | 0 | 20200401 | No |
04_G05 | MDCG 2020-7 PMCF plan template | MDCG | 0 | 20200401 | No |
04_G06 | MDCG-2020-8 PMCF evaluation report template | MDCG | 0 | 20200401 | No |
04_G07 | MDCG-2020-1 Guidance con clinical evaluation of MD software | MDCG | 0 | 20200301 | No |
04_G08 | MDCG 2022-4 Guidance on appropriate surveillance regarding the transitional provisions under Article 120 of the MDR with regar to devices covered by certificates according to the MDD or the AIMDD | MDCG | 1 | 20221201 | No |
04_G09 | MDCG 2022-2021 Guidance on PSUR according to regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) | MDCG | 0 | 20221201 | No |
04_G10 | MDCG 2023-3 Questions and answers on vigilance terms and concepts as outlined in the Regulation (EU) 2017/745 on medical devices | MDCG | 0 | 20230201 | No |
04_G11 | Meddev 2.1/6 Guidelines on the qualification and classification of stand alone software used in thealthcare within the regulatory framework of medical devices | European Commission | 0 | 20160701 | No |
04_G12 | Meddev 2.7/1 Guidelines on medical devices | European Commission | 4 | 20160601 | No |
04_G13 | 2023/C 163/06 Content and structure of the summary of the clinical investigation report | European Commission | 20230508 | Yes. We have to include this requirement within our GP-015 procedure | |
04_G14 | MDCG 2020-3 Guidance on significant changes regarding the transitional provision under Article 120 of the MDR with regard to devices covered by certificates according to MDD or AIMDD | MDCG | 1 | 20230501 | No |
GP-004 Vigilance System
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
05_01 | Meddev Manufacturer's trend report form | European Commission | 1.13 | 20181104 | No |
05_02 | Meddev Manufacturer's periodic summary report form | European Commission | 1.13 | 20181104 | No |
05_03 | Meddev National competent authority report format | European Commission | 1.13 | 20181104 | No |
05_04 | Meddev report form for manufacturer's to the national competent authority | European Commission | 1.13 | 20181104 | No |
05_05 | Manufacturer Incident report (MIR) for seious incidents and incidents | European Commission | 7.2.1 | No | |
05_06 | Meddev template for a field safety notice | European Commission | 8 | 20181104 | No |
05_07 | Meddev report form for field safety corrective action | European Commission | 1.13 | 20181104 | No |
Machine learning
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
06_01 | Good machine learning practice for MD development: guiding principles | FDA, Health Canada / Medicines & Healthcare products regulatory agency | 20211001 | No | |
06_02 | Proposed regulatory framework for modifications to AI/ML based SaMD | FDA | No |
Quality Regulations
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
ISO13485 | ISO 13485:2016 Medical devices. Quality management systems. Requirements for regulatory purposes | ISO | E | 20160301 | No |
ISO62304 | ISO 62304 :2006 Software de dispositivos médicos. Procesos del ciclo de vida del software | AENOR | 20070301 | No | |
ISO9001 | Sistemas de gestión de la calidad - Fundamentos y vocabulario | ISO | 2015 | No | |
ISO14155 | ISO 14155 Investigación clínica de productos sanitarios para humanos. Buenas prácticas clínicas | UNE | 2020 | No | |
ISO14971 | ISO14791 Medical devices - Application of risk management to medical devices | ISO | 20191201 | No | |
ISO15223-1 | ISO15223-1 Medical devices - Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied | ISO | 20170301 | No | |
ISO24791 | ISO24791 Medical devices - Guidance on the application of ISO14971 | ISO | 2.9d | 20180717 | No |
ISO62366-1 | ISO62366-1 Medical devices - Part 1: Application of usability engineering to medical devices | AENOR | 20200801 | No | |
ISO9001 | ISO9001 Sistemas de gestión de la calidad. Requisitos | AENOR | 20150901 | No | |
ISO27001 | ISO27001 Tecnología de la información. Técnicas de seguridad. Sistemas de gestión de la seguridad de la información. Requisitos | UNE | 20170201 | No | |
ISO27002 | ISO27002 Tecnología de la información. Técnicas de seguridad. Código de prácticas para los controles de seguridad de la información | AENOR/MINCOTUR | 20170501 | No |
Mexico Regulations
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
08_01 | Ley general de salud | Cámara de diputados del H. Congreso de la Unión | 20230324 | No | |
08_02 | Listado de insumos para la salud de bajo riesgo | DOF | 20111231 | No | |
08_03 | Listado de insumos para la salud de bajo riesgo | DOF | 20141222 | No | |
08_04 | Reglamento de insumos para la salud | Gobierno México | 20210531 | No |
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
09_01 | Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System | European Commission | 20131228 | No | |
09_02 | Ley 16/1997 de Regulación de Servicios de las Oficinas de Farmacia | BOE | 19970425 | No | |
09_03 | Real Decreto 1/2015: Ley de garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios | BOE | 20150725 | No | |
09_04 | Consenso sobre Atención Farmacéutica | Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social | NIPO: 351-02-018-0 | No |
Code | Name | Source | Version | Date | Impact |
10_01 | Real Decreto-ley de medidas urgentes de protección social y de lucha contra la precariedad laboral en la jornada de trabajo | BOE | 20190312 | No | |
10_02 | Directive 2022/2555 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union | European Commission | 20221214 | No |
Record release
Record released by |
E-Signature (Appfire integration): ![]() María Diez CC8B16F57C3A17B63D12D33EA50FC582 Signer name: María Diez Signing time: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 12:19:45 GMT Reason: Record release |
JD-004 Quality Manager & PRRC |