R-012-010 Device backup verification_2023_001
20231017 (YYYYMMDD)
JD-005 Alfonso Medela
The test was conducted following the procedure GP-012
. First, we reverted the git repository to the previous commit (9a4057060f1a8bbbc0851ba92cd1adbe1d3a589b), as indicated in the screenshots below:
![Commit history](figures/Figure 1.png) ![Commit checkout](figures/Figure 2.png)
Subsequently, the medical device was compiled. Given that the medical device is dockerized, we executed the docker build command, as illustrated in these screenshots:
![Docker build](figures/Figure 3.png) ![Docker build](figures/Figure 4.png)
Finally, we launched the medical device and ensured it was accessible through the designated server port:
![Docker run](figures/Figure 5.png) ![Docker ps](figures/Figure 6.png) ![HTTPS POST to the medical device](figures/Figure 7.png)
As anticipated, the medical device provided the expected response.
Signature meaning
The signatures for the approval process of this document can be found in the verified commits at the repository for the QMS. As a reference, the team members who are expected to participate in this document and their roles in the approval process, as defined in Annex I Responsibility Matrix
of the GP-001
, are:
- Author: Team members involved
- Reviewer: JD-003, JD-004
- Approver: JD-005