R-018-001 Infrastructure list and control plan 22_001
Reason for review | Date | Version id |
First version | 20230519 | 1 |
Written by | Reviewed by | Approved by |
E-Signature (Appfire integration): ![]() María Diez 7E61E613B195205277D20B055EC6CF40 Signer name: María Diez Signing time: Tue, 16 May 2023 14:51:24 GMT Reason: Creation of document | E-Signature (Appfire integration): ![]() Alfonso Medela 81F9C0D5A7AB14A5B3A2B63DCAA08895 Signer name: Alfonso Medela Signing time: Thu, 18 May 2023 15:03:46 GMT Reason: Reviewed | E-Signature (Appfire integration): ![]() Andy Aguilar 4A8B8920A7CEAB85E1D47E2BFB6B9A71 Signer name: Andy Aguilar Signing time: Fri, 19 May 2023 15:02:54 GMT Reason: Approving document |
Quality manager (QM) | Technical manager (PRRC) | General manager (GM) |
Identifier | Name | Location | Intended use | Type |
PD-001 | Laptop 1 | Sevilla | Development | MacBook Pro |
PD-002 | Laptop 2 | Murcia | Development | MacBook Pro |
PD-002 | Laptop 3 | Murcia | Management | MacBook Pro |
PD-004 | Laptop 4 | Madrid | Development | MacBook Pro |
CS-001 | legit-app-pro | Paris | Cloud storage | S3 |
CS-002 | legit-app-pre | Paris | Cloud storage | S3 |
CS-003 | skin-pathology-dl | Paris | Cloud storage | S3 |
CS-004 | skin-pathology-dl-pre | Paris | Cloud storage | S3 |
S-001 | Legit Health App - Prod | Paris | Server | EC2 |
S-002 | Legit Health API - Prod | Paris | Server | EC2 |
S-003 | Legit Health App - Pre | Paris | Server | EC2 |
S-004 | Legit Health API - Pruebas | Paris | Server | EC2 |
S-005 | Legit Health Website | Paris | Server | EC2 |
S-006 | Legit Health - Landings | Paris | Server | EC2 |
S-007 | Legit Health APP - Test | Paris | Server | EC2 |
DB-001 | legit-health-app-pre | Paris | Database | RDS |
DB-002 | legit-health-app-pro | Paris | Database | RDS |
DCS-001 | legit-health-app-backend-pro | Paris | Docker container service | ECS |
DCS-002 | legit-health-app-backend-pre | Paris | Docker container service | ECS |
Identifiers are generated in the following way: T-XXX where:
- T is the type of asset: Physical Device (PD), Server (S), Cloud Storage (CS), DataBase (DB), Docker container service (DCS), etc.
- XXX is a sequential number.
Control plan by type
Dates are formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.
Physical Device
Title | Reference | Operator | Frequency |
Installation of security updates | PD-MT-001 | Owner | 1 month |
Execution of Clean My Mac (only MacOS devices) | PD-MT-002 | Owner | 1 month |
Execution of Windows Defender Scan (only Windows devices) | PD-MT-003 | Owner | 1 month |
Review of the installed applications | PD-MT-004 | Owner | 6 months |
Check disk encryption is enabled | PD-MT-005 | Owner | 1 year |
Hardware check / Memory RAM / Free Space available | PD-MT-006 | Owner | 6 months |
Resource identifier | Reference | Operator | Previous | Next |
PD-001 | PD-MT-001 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-001 | PD-MT-002 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-001 | PD-MT-004 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/06/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-001 | PD-MT-005 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/01/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-001 | PD-MT-006 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/06/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-002 | PD-MT-001 | Taig Mac Carthy | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-002 | PD-MT-002 | Taig Mac Carthy | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-002 | PD-MT-004 | Taig Mac Carthy | 2023/06/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-002 | PD-MT-005 | Taig Mac Carthy | 2023/01/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-002 | PD-MT-006 | Taig Mac Carthy | 2023/06/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-003 | PD-MT-001 | Andy Aguilar | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-003 | PD-MT-002 | Andy Aguilar | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-003 | PD-MT-004 | Andy Aguilar | 2023/06/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-003 | PD-MT-005 | Andy Aguilar | 2023/01/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-003 | PD-MT-006 | Andy Aguilar | 2023/06/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-004 | PD-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-004 | PD-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
PD-004 | PD-MT-004 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/06/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-004 | PD-MT-005 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/01/02 | 2024/01/02 |
PD-004 | PD-MT-006 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/06/02 | 2024/01/02 |
Self managed resources
Title | Reference | Operator | Frequency |
Manual review of the access logs | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández / Alfonso Medela | 1 month |
Manual review of performance metrics | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández / Alfonso Medela | 3 months |
Resource identifier | Reference | Operator | Previous | Next |
CS-001 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
CS-001 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
CS-002 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
CS-002 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
CS-003 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
CS-003 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
CS-004 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
CS-004 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DB-001 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DB-001 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DB-002 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DB-002 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DCS-001 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DCS-001 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DCS-002 | SMR-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
DCS-002 | SMR-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
Cloud instances
Title | Reference | Operator | Frequency |
Installation of security updates | CI-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández / Alfonso Medela | 1 month |
Hardware check / Memory RAM / Free Space available | CI-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández / Alfonso Medela | 1 month |
Manual review of the access logs | CI-MT-003 | Gerardo Fernández / Alfonso Medela | 1 month |
Manual review of performance metrics | CI-MT-004 | Gerardo Fernández / Alfonso Medela | 1 month |
Resource identifier | Reference | Operator | Previous | Next |
S-001 | CI-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-001 | CI-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-001 | CI-MT-003 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-001 | CI-MT-004 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-002 | CI-MT-001 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-002 | CI-MT-002 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-002 | CI-MT-003 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-002 | CI-MT-004 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-003 | CI-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-003 | CI-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-003 | CI-MT-003 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-003 | CI-MT-004 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-004 | CI-MT-001 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-004 | CI-MT-002 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-004 | CI-MT-003 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-004 | CI-MT-004 | Alfonso Medela | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-005 | CI-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-005 | CI-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-005 | CI-MT-003 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-005 | CI-MT-004 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-006 | CI-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-006 | CI-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-006 | CI-MT-003 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-006 | CI-MT-004 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-007 | CI-MT-001 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-007 | CI-MT-002 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-007 | CI-MT-003 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |
S-007 | CI-MT-004 | Gerardo Fernández | 2023/08/02 | 2023/09/02 |