R-TF-015-006 Clinical investigation report_LEGIT_URT_EVCDAO_2020
Research Title
Research Description
If it is not clearly evident from the title itself, provide a single sentence describing the study design, comparison, duration, method of use, and the subject population.
Product Identification
Promoter Identification and Contact
CIP Identification
Public Access Database
Research Team
Compliance Statement
This clinical research has been conducted in accordance with the harmonized standard UNE-EN ISO 14155:2021 and European Regulation MDR 2017/745.
Report Date
Report author(s)
The full name, the ID and the signature for the authorship, as well as the approval process of this document, can be found in the verified commits at the repository. This information is saved alongside the digital signature, to ensure the integrity of the document.
Table of contents
Table of contents
- Research Title
- Research Description
- Product Identification
- Promoter Identification and Contact
- CIP Identification
- Public Access Database
- Research Team
- Compliance Statement
- Report Date
- Report author(s)
- Table of contents
- Abbreviations and Definitions
- Summary
- Introduction
- Materials and methods
- Results
- Discussion and Overall Conclusions
- Ethical Aspects of Clinical Research
- Investigators and Administrative Structure of Clinical Research
- Signature Page
- Report Annexes
Abbreviations and Definitions
Design and Methods
Number of Subjects
Initiation Date
Completion Date
The introduction should contain a brief statement framing the clinical research in the context of product development under investigation and linking critical aspects of clinical research (e.g., objectives and hypotheses, target population, treatment, and follow-up duration) with such development. Any guidelines followed in CIP (Clinical Investigation Plan) development or any other agreements/meetings between the promoter and regulatory authorities relevant to the specific clinical research should be identified or described.
Materials and methods
Product Description
Product Description
Intended Purpose of the Product
Intended Previous Uses
Product Changes During Clinical Research
Clinical Research Plan
Provide a summary of the CIP (Clinical Investigation Plan), including any subsequent modifications with justification for each modification. The summary should include a brief description of the points indicated below.
Design (type of research, assessment criteria, methods, active group, and control group)
Ethical Considerations
Data Quality Assurance
Subject Population (inclusion/exclusion criteria and sample size)
Concomitant Medication/Treatment
Follow-Up Duration
Statistical Analysis
Include hypotheses or success/failure criteria, sample size calculation, statistical analysis methods, and interim analyses, where applicable.
Initiation and Completion Date
The initiation date of the clinical research and the completion/suspension date of the clinical research.
Subject and Investigational Product Management
Management of subjects (number screened, randomized, and received therapy) and disposition of investigational products.
Subject Demographics
CIP (Clinical Investigation Plan) Compliance
There should be a clear distinction between primary analyses, other pre-specified analyses, and additional analyses.
Clinical Performance, Efficacy, and Safety
An analysis of performance and results based on the evaluation criteria specified in the CIP (Clinical Investigation Plan).
Adverse Events and Adverse Reactions to the Product
A summary of all adverse events and adverse reactions to the product, including a discussion of the significance and severity of the event, necessary treatment, resolution, and the competent principal investigator's opinion on the causal relationship with the investigational products or procedures.
Product Deficiencies
A table summarizing all observed product deficiencies that could have caused a serious adverse reaction to the product and any corrective actions taken during the clinical research.
Subgroup Analysis for Special Populations
Any subgroup analysis required for special populations (e.g., sex, racial/cultural/ethnic subgroups), as applicable.
Accounting for All Subjects
Description of how missing data or deviations in the analysis were handled, including subjects who did not pass screening, were lost to follow-up, withdrew, or had their participation terminated prematurely and the reasons for such.
Discussion and Overall Conclusions
Clinical Performance, Efficacy, and Safety
Results of safety and performance and any other assessment criteria.
Clinical Risks and Benefits
Clinical Relevance
A discussion of the clinical relevance and importance of the results in light of other existing data and the state of the art.
Specific Benefit or Special Precaution
Implications for Future Research
Limitations of Clinical Research
Any limitations of clinical research (subject selection, retention, and compliance; investigator and user selection, retention, and compliance; bias introduced by lack of data, confounding factors, etc.).
Ethical Aspects of Clinical Research
This section should include:
- Confirmation that the EC reviewed the CIP (Clinical Investigation Plan) and any amendments (if required).
- Enumeration of all consulted ECs.
- Confirmation that the research was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles of the Helsinki Declaration.
- A statement that informed consent was obtained and when it was obtained.
Investigators and Administrative Structure of Clinical Research
Brief Description
A list of investigators, including their institutional affiliation.
External Organization
The names and addresses of any third parties (such as central laboratories, CROs, consultants, and other contractors) who contributed to clinical research.
Promoter and Monitor
Signature Page
Signatures of the promoter and the coordinating investigator(s) indicating their agreement with the content of the clinical research report. If no coordinating investigator has been appointed, the signatures of the principal investigators should be obtained. Signature pages can be included separately from the clinical research report itself.
Report Annexes
Annexes to the report may contain the following information:
- The CIP, including amendments.
- Instructions for use.
- A list of principal investigators and the research centers to which they are affiliated, including a summary of their qualifications or a copy of their CVs.
- A list of collaborating investigators and the research centers to which they are affiliated, including a summary of their qualifications or a copy of their CVs.
- A list of the names and addresses of any third parties (such as central laboratories, CROs, consultants, and other contractors) who contributed to clinical research.
- A list of monitors.
- A list of ECs.
- Tabulation of all relevant datasets, including:
- Deviations from the CIP that affected subject rights, safety, or welfare, or the scientific integrity of clinical research.
- All adverse events, adverse reactions to the product, and product deficiencies.
- Withdrawals and suspensions.
- The audit certificate, if applicable.
Signature meaning
The signatures for the approval process of this document can be found in the verified commits at the repository for the QMS. As a reference, the team members who are expected to participate in this document and their roles in the approval process, as defined in Annex I Responsibility Matrix
of the GP-001
, are:
- Author: Team members involved
- Reviewer: JD-003, JD-004
- Approver: JD-001